Greece’s new prime minister visits Europe

(VOVworld) – Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras arrived in the Republic of Cyprus, starting his trip to several European countries lobbying for a write-off of Greece’s foreign debt.

Greece’s new prime minister visits Europe - ảnh 1
Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras

Speaking at a press briefing after a talk with Cyprus’ President Nicos Anatasiades, Tsipras considered eurozone debts are a crisis for the whole continent, not just Greece and Cyprus. He added that Europe should take brave decisions to revive growth. Tsipras said it was time to end the current system monitoring indebted nations' economies as a precondition for bailout loans.

The same day, Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis arrived in London as part of a tour of Britain, Italy and Germany to boost Athen’s agenda towards a new financial deal. 

