Greetings on Poland’s Constitution Day

Greetings on Poland’s Constitution Day  - ảnh 1
Jacek Kaprzyk, Polish Deputy Ambassador to Vietnam, was speaking at the event (Photo:

(VOVworld) – A meeting to mark Poland’s Constitution Day, May 3rd, opened in Ho Chi Minh City today. The event was hosted by the Vietnam – Poland Friendship Association. Speaking at the event, Jacek Kaprzyk, Polish Deputy Ambassador to Vietnam said: “We take pride in having helped and supported the Vietnamese people during war time and the current national construction. We desire to further strengthen our friendship. There are 4,000 Vietnamese students who have studied and graduated with excellent results in Poland. And I’m very happy to hear that those students are contributing to Vietnam’s scientific and technological industries. In the future, we’ll provide the necessary information and create opportunities to increase the number of Vietnamese students in Poland. We have not yet a consulate general in Ho Chi Minh City, so we’ll establish agencies to promote economics and culture in the city helping to further tighten bilateral ties.”

Poland was the first Eastern European country that wrote off more than 80 percent of Vietnam’s debt. The country is now continuing to grant scholarships to Vietnamese students and creating conditions for Vietnamese people to live and work in Poland.  

