HCM city seeks UNESCO recognition as World Book Capital

(VOVWORLD) - Ho Chi Minh city has great potential to become a UNESCO “World Book Capital” thanks to a number of venues and events promoting reading, according to local officials.
HCM city seeks UNESCO recognition as World Book Capital - ảnh 1HCM city hopes to become a World Book Capital by 2025. (Photo: VNA)

“World Book Capital” is an initiative by the UN body to recognise cities around the world for promoting books and fostering reading, Lam Dinh Thang, director of the municipal Department of Information and Communications, said.

HCM City hopes to achieve that title by 2025, he said.

The popular Book Street in District 1 received more than three million visitors, held 400 book-themed events and sold over 660,000 books last year.

Le Hoang, director of Book Street Ltd., said revenues increased 113.7% from 2021.

Other book venues such as Phu Lam and District 5 book parks are also very popular among readers.

The city has organized events to foster reading, such as the annual Book Festival during the Lunar New Year holidays.

It is home to 39 domestic and foreign publishers and 1,500 local libraries, and publishes over 2 million books every year besides 3.4 million ebooks.

