Health workers praised for their stamina in the fight against COVID-19

(VOVWORLD) - Staff of the Hanoi’s Center for Disease Control have been working days and nights racing against time to detect and verify corona virus cases. 
Health workers praised for their stamina in the fight against COVID-19 - ảnh 1Testing work at Hanoi's CDC. Photo: VOV

In a working environment of high infection risks, they are quiet front-liners in the fight against Covid-19 to protect community health and safety. Tracing every digit and name while in hazmat suit and protective gears, Hanoi’s CDC staff are matching and storing data of thousands of samples sent in. Their working space is obviously without fans nor air-con. During peak days, Hanoi CDC received nearly 10,000 samples per day. Given a work-shift of some 20 people, they literally have to work without any day off.

“Our daily work-shift is from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm. During days with lots of samples for testing, we have to work until 9pm, or even 11 pm to support other colleagues. Night shift begins at 5pm and lasts until 8am next morning. We usually have to work at night and sleep for about one hour, waking up at 3 to work until 7,” said Nguyen Nu Tra My of CDC Hanoi.

Hanoi CDC staff have to work tripled the normal working hours and usually have to quit meals. Given the complicated situation and new strains in the 4th wave of infection, they have encouraged each other to overcoming work pressure to join the whole nation in the fight against the pandemic.

Hanoi’s CDC staff have indeed joined the whole nation in winning the previous 3 waves of infection. They are working days and nights to ensure people’s health in this current 4th wave of virus strike.

