Hungarian firm presents Vietnam equipment for nuclear energy training

(VOVworld) – Hungary’s Gamma Technical Corporation has presented the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training with a completed gamma spectrometry system for nuclear energy training.

Hungarian firm presents Vietnam equipment for nuclear energy training - ảnh 1
Zsitnyanyi Attila, Director General of the Gamma Technical Corporation, presents the symbolic model of BETA-GAMMA completed gamma spectrometry system for the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training

The BETA-GAMMA is worth 70,500 USD. This is part of a series of activities ahead of Hungarian President Ander Janos’s visit to Vietnam, which is scheduled for later this month. Zsitnyanyi Attila, Director General of the Gamma Technical Corporation, addressed the donation ceremony: "We decide to present this equipment because it is of both educational and practical use. I hope that the Hanoi University of Science and Technology, which is well-known for good training in atomic physics, will effectively use the equipment and make it available for other students in Vietnam.

