Improving effectiveness of foreign information activities

Improving effectiveness of foreign information activities - ảnh 1
Pham Van Linh,  Deputy Head of the Party Central Committee's Commission, speaks at the event. Photo: infonet

(VOVworld) – A workshop was held on Wednesday in Hanoi on implementing the Prime Minister’s Decree on the management of foreign information. Attendees agreed that there must be better coordination in mapping out specific programs and communications campaigns to promote Vietnam’s image at home and abroad, improve forecasting and analysis, and address distorted or false information on such issues as the East Sea and religious affairs. Pham Van Linh,  Deputy Head of the Party Central Committee's Commission for Communications and Education, said: "Amid increasing complexity in Vietnam and around the world, new requirements and challenges face Vietnam’s reform, development, and international integration efforts. We need to improve the effectiveness of foreign information activities to fulfil tasks assigned by the Party and State."

