India PM warns Pakistan over Kashmir

India PM warns Pakistan over Kashmir - ảnh 1
Photo: AP

Indian PM Manmohan Singh says it "cannot be business as usual" with Pakistan after deadly exchanges along the disputed Kashmir border last week. Prime Minister Singh affirmed that what happened was "unacceptable" and the people responsible for the crime would be punished. The Indian Prime Minister’s announcement was released one day after the two countries’ military leaders criticized each other for gun battles near the border area. Indian army chief Gen Bikram Singh urged Indian troops to be "aggressive and offensive in the face of provocation and fire" from Pakistan. Conflicts between Indian and Pakistani soldiers which broke out on January 6 along the Line of Control raised tensions between the two countries. So far, each side has had two soldiers killed in the fighting. Pakistan wants a third party to investigate the ceasefire violation and has asked the UN Military Observer group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) to start an investigation, but India objects to the idea.

