Inter-Korean talks are likely to be canceled

(VOVworld) - The North Korean National Defense Commission announced its reconsideration of plans for a second round of high-level talks between the two Koreas, scheduled for October 30th. According to the South Korean Unification Ministry on Monday, the North’s message responded to South Korea’s rejection to ban activists from distributing anti-Pyongyang leaflets. The message said that although the plan to prevent several Korean civil groups from distributing anti-Pyongyang leaflets fell through last week, the South Korean government failed to disburse them at another venue where they flied a balloon containing the leaflets.

Inter-Korean talks are likely to be canceled - ảnh 1
North Korean defectors hold a balloon containing anti-Pyongyang leaflets. (Photo: Reuters)
The Unification Ministry promised on Monday to resume talks as planned and urged the North not to take the matter as a prerequisite.
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