International press: China makes wrong moves

International press: China makes wrong moves - ảnh 1
Chinese fishing vessels disturb Vietnamese fishermen's legal activities (Photo: Hai Son- VOV- Central Bureau)

(VOVworld)- The world press continues to criticize China’s placement of an oil rig in Vietnam’s waters as a wrong move, threatening regional security, stability and peace. South China Morning Post’s columnist Philip Bowring in his article “Beijing's dangerous arrogance in the East Sea” says Beijing's superiority complex and selective reading of Southeast Asian history have become the toxic brew fuelling tensions in the East Sea. Philip Bowring has been based in Asia for 39 years writing on regional financial and political issues. The French Le Monde newspaper on Tuesday denounced China’s aggressive mood in its deployment of the oil rig in Vietnam’s East Sea. Bruno Philip, the newspaper’s Southeast Asian correspondent, wrote that the Chinese move was ill-intentioned in a plot to create an empire. He added that it’s difficult to trust China now.

