International workshop on the East Sea held in the US

(VOVworld)- An international workshop on the East Sea opened in Washington over the last two days with the theme “ Controlling tension in the East Sea”. The event, held by the US Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), drew the participation of officials, scholars, and researchers on the East Sea from the US, China, India, Japan, the Philippines, Taiwan (China) and Vietnam.The delegates discussed the importance of the area, recent developments and the role of international law in dealing with disputes in the East Sea as well as proposals to boost cooperation in this region. Addressing the workshop, Acting Assistant to US Secretary of State in charge of the East Asia- Asia Pacific region, Joseph Yun, said the US did not favor any sides in demands and disputes relating to territorial sovereignty. However, these demands must be based on international law, especially the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.

International workshop on the East Sea held in the US - ảnh 1
Acting Assistant to US Secretary of State in charge of the East Asia- Asia Pacific region, Joseph Yun addressed the workshop- Photo:CSIS

The US official said that he hoped that China and ASEAN would soon activate discussions on the Code of Conducts of Parties in the East Sea to resolve disputes as China and ASEAN had achieved some progress in recent high-level meetings in Bangkok. He stressed COC was the key to a peaceful solution to disputes and conflict-prevention in the East Sea. Territorial sovereignty disputes in the East Sea are considered the most urgent security issue in the Asia Pacific region. The workshop focused on seeking initiatives to solve differences between involved parties and ease tension in the region.

