Japan is open to dialogue with South Korea

(VOVworld) – Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Friday called on South Korean lawmakers to work together to advance bilateral dialogue as the relations between the two countries are deteriorating due to territorial conflicts and some other issues.
Japan is open to dialogue with South Korea  - ảnh 1
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (Source: baotintuc.vn)
At a meeting between South Korean and Japanese parliamentarians in Tokyo, Mr. Abe affirmed further effort for deeper cooperation through dialogues at different levels while opening to dialogue with South Korea. He said that Japan and South Korea are facing difficulties as the consequences of territorial tension and stressed the importance of the bilateral relations which have been maintained over the years. Mr. Abe said the two peoples should exert further effort to extend bilateral ties to mark this important landmark.

Prime Minister Abe’s statements came when the two countries are experiencing tension over sovereignty on Dokdo/Tekeshima island in Japan’s sea as well as other disputes on historical issues.

