Leader of Israel’s rightwing party warns of a coup d’état to prevent formation of Palestinian State

(VOVworld) – Naftali Bennett, Chairman of the Habayit Hayehudi (Jewish Home) rightwing party, warned of coup d’état to prevent the formation of a Palestinian state.
Leader of Israel’s rightwing party warns of a coup d’état to prevent formation of Palestinian State  - ảnh 1
Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman spoke at a press conference in Jerusalem, saying he supported the two-state solution (Photo: AFP/ VNA)
The move came amid statements this week by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman which promised to pursue a peace agreement and support a two-state solution under the Peace Initiative of 2002. Under the Initiative, the Arab countries would recognize a Jewish State but Israel has to withdraw from the areas occupied since 1967 and allow the formation of a Palestinian state.

Speaking on Israel TV station on Thursday, Mr. Bennette said the Palestinian state  is not included in Israel’s policies worked out at negotiations to set up a ruling coalition in 2015. He said as long as Jewish Home is in the ruling coalition, a Palestinian state cannot be formed and Jerusalem will not be separated.

