Leaders of 23 countries, WHO call for international treaty to mitigate future pandemics

(VOVWORLD) - Leaders of 23 countries and the World Health Organization on Tuesday backed a proposal to create an international treaty that would help the world deal with future health emergencies like the coronavirus pandemic now ravaging the globe.
Leaders of 23 countries, WHO call for international treaty to mitigate future pandemics - ảnh 1                        Illustrated photo (Photo: Reuters )

The main goal of such a treaty would be to strengthen the world's resilience to future pandemics through better alert systems, data sharing, research, and the production and distribution of vaccines, medicines, diagnostics, and personal protective equipment. The idea of such a treaty, which would ensure universal and equitable access to vaccines, medicines and diagnostics, was floated by President of the European Council Charles Michel.

“COVID-19 has exposed weaknesses and divisions across our societies. Now it’s time to come together as one global community to build a pandemic defense for future generations, that extends far beyond today’s crisis. For this, we must translate political will into concrete action just as after the atrocities of World War II visionary leaders came together to build a multilateral model and to strengthen international cooperation,” said Michel.
23 heads of state have signed on to the proposal of a Global Pandemic Response Treaty.

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