Life-sentence for reactionary leader in Phu Yen

(VOV) - After a one-week subversion trial for a group that calls itself the Council for the Laws and Public Affairs of Bia Son, the Phu Yen People’s Court passed sentence on the group’s 22 members.

Life-sentence for reactionary leader in Phu Yen - ảnh 1

Presiding Judge Nguyen Phi Do addressed the seriousness of the group’s activities, but said that during the investigation and prosecution, they showed sincere repentance for their violations. The jury board considered this and reduced their sentences. Group leader Phan Van Thu, who is also called Tran Cong, born in 1948 in An Nhon town, Binh Dinh province, received a life sentence. The 21 other defendants were sentenced to 10 to 17 years of imprisonment.  

The Council for the Laws and Public Affairs of Bia Son created documents distorting Party guidelines and government policies and smear the regime. The group created regulations, rules, and a platform to guide its local branches and a schedule for a future government when it would topple the incumbent administration and establish the Dai Nam Kinh Chau state led by Phan Van Thu and his accomplices.

