Moscow slams Kiev for confrontation strategy against Russia

(VOVworld) – Russia has accused Ukraine of compassing a far-reaching confrontation with Russia, citing Ukraine’s national security strategy as evidence.

Moscow slams Kiev for confrontation strategy against Russia  - ảnh 1
Head of the Russian Security Council Nikolai Patrushev.(Photo: RIA Novosti / Said Tsarnaev)

Nikolai Patrushev, Head of the Russian Security Council, said on Tuesday that the Ukrainian national security strategy has been aimed at a long-term confrontation with Russia, which has worried Russia. Patrushev said the strategy allows the Western bloc to use Ukrainian natural, industrial, and military resources, and is likely to escalate tension in the restive southeastern region of Ukraine.

In May, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko approved the strategy until 2020, which envisages Ukraine’s orientation toward the EU and NATO as its principal allies.

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