Mutual support between Government and businesses during COVID is excellent: VCCI

(VOVWORLD) - The Government has paid particular attention to and provided the best conditions for businesses to weather difficulties triggered by COVID-19 over the past 2 years, according to a discussion hosted by the Government Portal on Saturday.
Mutual support between Government and businesses during COVID is excellent: VCCI - ảnh 1VCCI President Pham Tan Cong (second from right) and some other participants at the discussion hosted by the Government Portal on October 8, 2022. (Photo: VGP/Nhat Bac)

President of the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) Pham Tan Cong said during the pandemic, VCCI received hundreds of opinions and comments from businesses and embassies of countries having FDI in Vietnam each day. VCCI proposed the Government hold a national meeting with businesses, Mr. Cong said.

“Despite enormous challenges during the pandemic, the business community shared the Government’s difficulties and contributed significantly to the fight against COVID. This is an excellent companion, which has helped ensure employment and social stability,” he noted.

Participants praised the Government’s swift and strong actions to meet the dual goals of developing the economy and combating the epidemic. As result, the socio-economic stability has been secured, inflation has been controlled, and GDP growth this year is forecast to be higher than the set target and the highest in the region.  

