Myanmar, Vietnam target 500 mln USD trade in 2015

(VOV) - Myanmar and Vietnam will strengthen bilateral trade and investment cooperation to raise their trade value to 500 million USD in 2015. The agreement was reached during talks in Hanoi on March 20 between Vice President Nguyen Thi Doan and her visiting Myanmar counterpart Nyan Tun.

Myanmar, Vietnam target 500 mln USD trade in 2015  - ảnh 1

To achieve the goal, the two countries will increase visit exchanges at all levels and maintain the existing cooperation mechanism, including regular meetings of the Vietnam-Myanmar Joint Committee and Joint Sub-Committee on Trade, as well as political consultations.

Accordingly, they will coordinate closely to successfully organise the 8th meeting of the Joint Committee on Trade in Myanmar this month.

The two countries will also further their cooperation in national defence-security, agro-forestry, aquaculture, livestock breeding, finance-banking, telecommunications, transportation, oil & gas, and tourism.

Vice President Doan proposed that the Myanmar government speed up the licensing process for Vietnamese businesses investing in the country, and facilitate their operations there.

She congratulated Myanmar on its marked achievements in national construction and defence, which she said will lay a firm foundation for the country to develop strongly in the future.

She expressed hope that Myanmar will successfully assume its ASEAN Chairmanship role in 2014 to raise its profile regionally and globally.

