NA discusses revised law on personal income tax

NA discusses revised law on personal income tax  - ảnh 1

(VOVworld) – NA deputies debated the revised law on personal income tax on Thursday. Most deputies agreed on raising the taxable threshold for individual taxpayer from 4 million VND/month to 9 million VND/ month, and a reduction for each dependant of between 1.6 million VND/month and 3.6 million VND/month. The decision to revise the state budgets collection has received widespread support from voters. They said that it’s necessary to share burdens with people and stimulate consumption. Deputies agreed on the Government’s proposal that the revised law should take effect from next July to ensure enough time for the legislative body to promulgate guiding documents to facilitate enforcement. Earlier, the NA adopted two resolutions on next year’s state budget allocation and the body’s supervision program.

