NA leader meets leaders of outstanding enterprises

(VOVWORLD) -  National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue met leaders of outstanding enterprises in applying science and technology in Hanoi on Tuesday on the occasion of their attendance at the Vietnam Business Leaders’ Forum.
NA leader meets leaders of outstanding enterprises - ảnh 1At the meeting (Photo: VNA)

Hue said in the near future, it is necessary to stay more determined to take measures to surmount impacts of the pandemic, towards gradually restructuring and reviving the economy.

He stressed that as the pandemic is bringing about new development opportunities, businesses should make breakthrough in the sci-tech market.

Affirming that the Vietnamese Party, National Assembly, Government and entire political system are always standing side by side with enterprises and businesspeople, Hue urged them to further raise the sense of social responsibility and pay more attention to corporate governance, contributing to rapid and sustainable development and improving economic self-resilience.
Representatives of enterprises suggested the National Assembly and Government create favourable conditions for them to develop telecom infrastructure capacity in disadvantaged areas, consider tax incentives, promote information technology application and digital transformation, facilitate cashless payment and create a legal corridor for national digital transformation.
They also proposed the NA Chairman and lawmakers further uphold their supervisory role in policy enforcement.

