NA Standing Committee debates Referendum Law

(VOVworld)- National Assembly deputies discussed the draft Referendum Law and the Law on Electing Deputies to the National Assembly and People’s Councils on Wednesday. They stressed the need to ensure people’s right to democracy in these laws and suggested stricter regulations to ensure political stability. According to the deputies, the issues made available in public polls should be related to revisions to the Constitution, national defense, human rights, citizens’ fundamental rights and obligations. They agreed that the public poll needed to be conducted nationwide and suggested that the National Assembly Standing Committee, the State President, the government or at least one third of NA deputies and some others are eligible to propose a public poll.
NA Standing Committee debates Referendum Law  - ảnh 1

The deputies also discussed the draft Law on Electing Deputies to the National Assembly and People’s Councils, which should be set up on the day of announcing the election schedule and end its mission after the National Assembly confirm its deputies. Some deputies proposed to elect additional deputies if needed and that this should be decided by the National Assembly. In this regard, NA Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung said:“The re-election of NA deputies didn’t take place during the 1st to the 13th NA. The NA keeps working without re-election if 5 or 7 deputies are missing. So do the People’s Councils except in the case of merging or separation. The National Assembly will decide the re-election and the establishment of the National Electoral Council”.

The NA Standing Committee will continue its 35th session on Thursday, with investment in Long Thanh international airport high on the agenda.


