National Assembly delegation visits Austria

(VOVworld) - National Assembly Deputy Chairman Huynh Ngoc Son has urged Austria to continue its ODA funding to Vietnam. Son was meeting with the 2nd Speaker of the Austrian Lower House, Karlheinz Kopf during his visit to Austria this week.

National Assembly delegation visits Austria - ảnh 1
National Assembly Deputy Chairman Huynh Ngoc Son

Son expressed Vietnam’s wish for Austria’s more attention to regional stability and maritime safety in the East Sea while supporting Vietnam’s view to settle conflicts by peaceful means based on international law. He asked for Austria’s further sharing of legal experience with Vietnam and strengthen cooperation between legislative bodies in multilateral forums, including the International Parliamentary Union and the Asian Europe Parliamentarian Partnership forum. He called for Austria’s early rectification of a comprehensive cooperative partnership agreement which Vietnam and the EU signed in June 2012 while promoting the finalization of Vietnam EU Free Trade Agreement by this October and supporting Vietnam’s market economic status.

