National Assembly discusses draft Law on Judicial Verification

Deputies at the on-going National Assembly today/Monday discussed the draft Law on Judicial Verification. The majority agreed that judicial verification supports judiciary and contributes a great deal to preventing and fighting crimes. The issuance of the Law on Judicial Verification is of great significance to create a solid legal foundation to ensure quality and efficiency, and meet the increasing requirements of judicial activities. “It is the job of the procedural agencies to prove that some body is guilty or not. They have the right to require a verification performance to ensure evidence for trial for it to be held on time and in an objective manner to avoid injustice and ensure benefits for both plaintiffs and defendants in criminal cases. I don’t agree on extending the right for defendants in criminal cases to ask for judicial verification. This would only prolong the investigation unnecessarily, harming the benefits of all relevant parties,” said Dang Cong Ly, NA deputy from the central province of Binh Dinh.
The same day, deputies discussed in groups the draft Law of the Sea.

