National Assembly, Fatherland Front jointly promote national unity

(VOVWORLD) - The National Assembly Standing Committee and the Presidium of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee held an annual joint conference on Wednesday to review their coordination in 2021 and identify focuses for this year.

National Assembly, Fatherland Front jointly promote national unity - ảnh 1The annual joint conference between the National Assembly Standing Committee and the Presidium of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee (Photo:

Addressing the conference, NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue said that the two organizations’ coordination became even stronger, greatly helping to bring into play the strength of the great national solidarity so as to surmount challenges and deal with unprecedented problems.

2022 is an important year in restoring the country's socio-economic development, the National Assembly Chairman said, urging the two agencies continue to work more closely in strengthening the great national unity bloc, promote democracy in society, bring into play all creative abilities of the people to accelerate socio-economic recovery and development.

