National Assembly Standing Committee concludes its 43rd session

(VOVWORLD) -The 43rd session of the National Assembly Standing Committee wrapped up in Hanoi on Wednesday. 
National Assembly Standing Committee concludes its 43rd session - ảnh 1 National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan closes the 43rd session of the National Assembly Standing Committee in Hanoi on March 25, 2020 (Photo: VNA)

In her closing remarks, National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan asked the Assembly agencies to closely coordinate with relevant agencies to review feedback on 7 bills to be submitted to the National Assembly in the next session.

Commenting on the next session of the National Assembly Standing Committee scheduled for April 6 to 8, she said: “The Committee will decide the date for the meeting based on the developments of the epidemic in early April. Despite our good containment of the epidemic, there are signs of community transmission. I welcome the government’s instruction to scrutinize all foreigners and Vietnamese immigration to prevent further community transmission.”

The Chairwoman emphasized the need to step up application of IT in management and online public services, and limit large gatherings in the face of the Covid-19 outbreak. 

She said suitable solutions to stabilize the socio-economic situation are needed, especially to boost production and business, accelerate public investment disbursement and tackle such issues as saltwater intrusion. 

Earlier the same day, the legislators gave opinions on the Vietnam Border Guard Law.

