NATO summit issues joint declaration


NATO summit issues joint declaration - ảnh 1
(Photo: Xinhua news)

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) on Monday issued a joint declaration adopted the day before at the Chicago summit. The declaration reaffirmed the commitment of NATO members to the transatlatic alliance, defined future military operations in Afghanistan, and took steps to ensure the alliance has the capabilities to deal with any future threat. NATO said its “irreversible transition” of full security responsibility from the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) to the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) by mid-2013 is on the track. NATO will adopt a support role after the withdrawal process is completed. Of its relations with Russia, the declaration said NATO-Russia cooperation is of strategic importance, contributing to creating a common space of peace, stability, and security. And NATO is determined to build a lasting and comprehensive peace with Russia in the Euro-Atlantic region.

In related news, NATO leaders on Sunday agreed to launch the first phase of a US-led missile shield for Europe despite Russian protests. The alliance insists the shield is not aimed at Russia and aims only to knock out missiles launched by enemies. NATO Secretary General  Anders Fogh Rasmussen said the alliance has invited Russia to cooperate in the system and it remains hopeful of reaching an agreement with Russia on missile defence.

