New book details Vietnam’s solidarity with Asian, African, Latin American countries

(VOVWORLD) -A book entitled "Vietnam Committee for Solidarity and Cooperation with Asia,  Africa,  Latin America: Journeys and friends" was launched on Wednesday in Hanoi.
New book details Vietnam’s solidarity with Asian, African, Latin American countries - ảnh 1A seminar introducing a book on the theme of Vietnam's cooperation with Asian-African-Latin American countries is held on June 12th, 2024 in Hanoi. (Photo: VOV)

It comprises of six main parts about Ho Chi Minh's ideology, the guidelines and views of the Party and State of Vietnam on international solidarity and people's solidarity; the formation, operation and development of the Vietnam Committee for Solidarity and Cooperation with Asia, Africa, and Latin America; and cooperation between Vietnam and Africa through periods. The 330-page book was published in both Vietnamese and English.

Both the book and the promotion of the Vietnam-Africa-Latin America alliance will help bringing about mutual benefits and effective cooperation, as well as support for Vietnam from countries in each region, said Ambassador Nguyen Quang Khai who has worked for many years in Africa and Latin America.

He said: "The book reviews an important part of Vietnam’s history with African and Latin American countries. During Vietnam's struggle for national independence, African and Latin American countries gave Vietnam the most support."

"African and Latin American countries respect Vietnam’s struggle for national independence and reunification as well as Vietnam's position and role, and they really want to strengthen relations and practical cooperation with Vietnam. I think the potential for cooperation between the two sides is huge, so we must take advantage of this potential for national development."

Nearly 70 years since its establishment, the Vietnam Committee for Solidarity and Cooperation with Asia, Africa, and Latin America has made contributions to Vietnam’s struggle for national liberation, reunification, and development.

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