New guidance on rapid COVID-19 testing for air passengers to Vietnam

(VOVWORLD) - Air passengers from Omicron-hit countries and territories will continue to undergo rapid COVID-19 testing when entering Vietnam, and they will pay the fee via ticket prices or directly to test organizers at international airports.
New guidance on rapid COVID-19 testing for air passengers to Vietnam - ảnh 1Passengers have nasal swabs taken for COVID-19 testing at Noi Bai International Airport in Hanoi. (Photo: VNA)

In the latest guidance sent to relevant parties, the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam (CAAV) said to facilitate air passengers’ entry into Vietnam and avoid congestion at international terminals, rapid testing will continue to be applied to all passengers coming from or transiting countries and territories which have detected Omicron, a new SARS-COV-2 variant, when they arrive in Vietnam via international airports as demanded by the Prime Minister.

It asked Vietnamese airlines to continue including test fees in ticket prices, and they will later pay the fee to test organizers at international airports in the country.
Meanwhile, foreign carriers can either do the same or inform their passengers of the rapid testing so that passengers can directly pay the fee by themselves.
In particular, the CAAV said the rapid test fee must not be higher than the fee publicized by the Ministry of Health.

