New Year’s resolutions by citizens

 New Year’s resolutions by citizens - ảnh 1
Peach blossoms symbolize spring in Vietnam

(VOVworld) – On the first day of the Lunar New Year of the Snake, Vietnamese people wish for a happy and peaceful year. Farmers yearn for a year with favorable weather and bumper crops, so that they can make a fortune on their native land. Nguyen Van Tac from Chau Thanh district, Dong Nai province said: “Farmers have changed their thinking, applying technological innovations to achieve high economic efficiency. Our lives have changed for better.”

 New Year’s resolutions by citizens - ảnh 2
People pray for all the best in the new year

Residents in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh cities go to pagodas on New Year’s Eve. They pray for luck and prosperity and more importantly feel the peace of mind. Nguyen Ba Hai, a citizen of Ho Chi Minh city told VOV: “I wish that the people in our city and in the country will have a year full of happiness and successes. Although there remain a lot of difficulties ahead, I believe that this is a good opportunity for the city’s youth to train themselves and help the country advance forward.”

