New Zealand wants private investigation on Fonterra milk case

New Zealand wants private investigation on Fonterra milk case - ảnh 1
A baby is fed milk from a bottle while sitting in a stroller at a shopping mall in Beijing, China, Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2013. China announced Wednesday it has fined six milk suppliers, including Mead Johnson and New Zealand's Fonterra, a total of $108 million for price-fixing after an investigation that shook the country's fast-growing dairy market. Photo: AP

New Zealand’s Prime Minister John Key on Monday said he hoped a parliamentary-level investigation about the Fonterra milk case started as soon as possible. New Zealand government is going to approve a bill before Parliament to conduct a private investigation on the milk contamination case. Prime Minister John Key will announce in detail the investigation plan on next Monday after submitting Parliament for approval in the next two weeks. Once the bill is approved, witnesses must provide evidence and companies and government organizations provide related-information. Along with the government investigation, Fonterra Group and New Zeland Ministry of basic Industries also launch three private investigations. According to MPI, the maximum penalty for food safety violation is from 100,000 USD to 500,000 USD or 12 month in prison.

