Normandy quartet ministers agree to heavy weapon withdrawal

(VOVworld) – Foreign Ministers of the “Normandy quartet” countries including Germany, Russia, Ukraine, and France voiced a powerful support on Wednesday to the urgent withdrawal of heavy weapons from the line of contact, stipulated in the Minsk Accords. After 3-hour talks in Berlin, they agreed to a demarcation line between the Kiev government and the opposition in eastern Ukraine.

Normandy quartet ministers agree to heavy weapon withdrawal - ảnh 1
Foreign Ministers of the “Normandy quartet” countries discuss the Ukrainian crisis.
(Photo: EPA)

Foreign Minister of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier said participants made "tangible progress" but not a “breakthrough” in the settlement of the Ukrainian crisis.

According to their joint statement following the meeting, only progress on implementing the Minsk accords signed last September can create the possibility for a peace summit in Astana, Kazakhstan.

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