North Korean envoy visits Beijing

North Korean envoy visits Beijing  - ảnh 1
Special envoy Choe Ryong-hae of North Korea, left, with a Chinese official, Wang Jiarui.
Photo: Xinhua
Vice President of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPC) and External Communications Chief Wang Jiarui on Wednesday held talks with Choe Ryong-hae special envoy of North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un in Beijing. The subject of the talks was not revealed. Choe visited Beijing on Wednesday morning to discuss with top Chinese officials how to improve the relationship, which was weakened by Pyongyang’s third nuclear test in February. Early this month, the Bank of China cancelled all transactions of the Central Bank of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. According to analysts, this move is a sanction by Beijing against Pyongyang’s nuclear tests, which violate a UN Security Council resolution.

