Palestine condemns Isreali legalization of settlements

Palestine condemns Isreali legalization of settlements - ảnh 1
Jewish settlements in the West Bank constructed by Israel (Source: internet)

(VOVworld) - The Palestinian administration has condemned an Israeli decision to legalize settlements in the West Bank. Speaking to the media yesterday, Nabil Abu Rudeina, spokesman for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, said the decision is the Israeli answer to Abbas’ letter to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Earlier, Abbas sent a letter demanding a halt of Israeli settlement construction as a condition for resuming peace talks. The condemnation came after Israel announced that it will legalize three settlement outposts in the West Bank - Rehalim, Bruchin, and Sansana. The office of Prime Minister Netanyahu issued a statement saying that Israel has decided to officialize the status of these outposts, which were established in the 1990s following the decision of previous governments.

Pham Huan – VOV correspondent in Egypt

