Party official meets Vietnamese representatives abroad

(VOVworld) – A meeting between the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Communications and Education, the Steering Committee for External Information Service, and Heads of representative Vietnamese agencies abroad for the 2016-2019 tenure took place in Hanoi on Tuesday.

Party official meets Vietnamese representatives abroad - ảnh 1
Head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Communications and Education,
Vo Van Thuong, is speaking at the meeting. (Photo:

During the meeting, Head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Communications and Education, Vo Van Thuong, asked the representatives to uphold their roles and realize tasks put forward at the 12th National Party Congress. Mr. Thuong urged them to rally support from the authorities, media, businesses, and Vietnamese nationals in their host countries and make forecasts on any developments involving Vietnam, as well as put forward solutions to complex and sensitive cases.

Thuong said he believed that Vietnamese representatives overseas will successfully fulfill tasks assigned by the Party and State, contributing to national construction and defense in the new period.

