Party, State leaders attend provincial and municipal Party Congresses

(VOVworld)- Ho Chi Minh City’s Party Committee convened its 10th Party Congress on Wednesday. According to the draft political report of the Congress, Ho Chi Minh City aims to increase its annual GDP growth rate to between 8% and 8.5%, income per capita to 9,800 USD and generate about 625,000 jobs over the next five years.
Party, State leaders attend provincial and municipal Party Congresses - ảnh 1
Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong attends the Party Congress of Ho Chi Minh City's Party Committee

The city intends to become a major hub of economics, finance, trade, science and technology in Southeast Asia. In his address, Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong said:“It’s necessary to mobilize all resources, at home and overseas, upgrade the urban infrastructure, especially the transport infrastructure, as well as address traffic congestion and flooding. We also need to connect with other cities and provinces in the region, strengthen environmental protection, mitigate the impact of climate change and sea level rise, and develop modern satellite urban areas”.
Party, State leaders attend provincial and municipal Party Congresses - ảnh 2
President Truong Tan Sang addresses the Party Congress of the Party Committee of central agencies

Speaking at the Congress of the Party Committee of central agencies, President Truong Tan Sang urged Party members to be fully aware of their responsibilities and obligations and fulfill their tasks.  Sang said:“The Party Committee needs to help central agencies and Party members to improve their capability and be up to date with developments inside and outside Vietnam. It’s important to foresee possible developments, improve the work of the think-tanks, fulfill socio-economic development tasks, ensure national defense and security and protect national sovereignty and territorial integrity”.

Party, State leaders attend provincial and municipal Party Congresses - ảnh 3
Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung attends the Party Congress of the Party Committee of Central Enterprises
In his address to the Party Congress of the Party Committee of Central Enterprises, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung stressed the need to help affiliate enterprises to improve their performances. Dung asked the Party Committee to creatively and effectively respond to Party resolutions and state policies. To mark the occasion, the Prime Minister presented the Independence Order, First Class to the Party Committee of Central Enterprises.

Also that day, Politburo member and Permanent Member of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat Le Hong Anh attended the Party Congress of Tay Ninh province. The President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Nguyen Thien Nhan also attended a similar event in Lam Dong province. National Assembly Vice Chairwoman Tong Thi Phong was present at the Party Congress of Phu Yen province and Minister of Public Security Tran Dai Quang attended the Party Congress of Gia Lai province.



