People express concern over “minor corruption”

(VOVWORLD) - The National Assembly’s Standing Committee on Wednesday continued to discuss the aftermath of voters’ opinions and petitions.
People express concern over “minor corruption” - ảnh 1 The 28th session of the National Assembly’s Standing Committee ends on October 17, 2018.

The Committee said voters are concerned about "minor corruption", but appreciated the Party and State’s resolute direction to strengthen the political system and improve the quality of state employees. They underscored the need to increase responsibility and set an example for Party members and officials, especially members of the  Politburo, the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat and the Party Central Committee. 

The National Assembly’s Standing Committee said that strict investigation and punishment of corruption cases and wrongdoings in land and public asset has helped to regain public trust.

The National Assembly’s Standing Committee also held a closed meeting on personnel.

