PM presents gifts to children, disadvantaged people, war veterans in Quang Binh

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on Sunday visited and presented gifts to children and people with disabilities at the Quang Binh Center for Social Welfares which is nursing 80 disadvantaged people and children facing extreme difficulties in the province. 
PM presents gifts to children, disadvantaged people, war veterans in Quang Binh - ảnh 1Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh visited and presented gifts to children, disadvantaged people, war veterans in Quang Binh
PM Chinh said he hopes people with disabilities and children at the center will overcome difficulties and thrive.

Visiting Nguyen Quang An, a 84-year-old wounded veteran at Nam Ly ward, Dong Hoi district, he affirmed that the Party and State always remember the contributions and sacrifice by older generations and those who fought and sacrificed for national independence and freedom.

On the occasion, PM Chinh visited My Ha village, My Thuy commune of Le Thuy district where he encouraged locals to stay united to build the new-style rural areas and cultural lifestyle.

He asked the local Party Committee and administration to continue to pay great attention to caring for the material and spiritual life of policy beneficiary families and people who rendered services to the nation.

The same day, he is scheduled to attend a ceremony to mark the 420th founding anniversary of Quang Binh and 35 anniversary of its re-establishment.

He will pay tribute to President Ho Chi Minh and heroic martyrs at a temple commemorating the late leader in Dong Hoi city.

