PM requests accelerated digital transformation

(VOVWORLD) -Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on Monday chaired a conference reviewing one year of implementing the Prime Minister's direction on removing obstacles facing the project on developing resident data, electronic identification and authentication applications to serve national digital transformation in the 2022-2025 period, with a vision to 2030. 
PM requests accelerated digital transformation - ảnh 1Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh addressing the conference

The conference also sought to promote data connection and sharing to serve e-commerce development and improve tax management.

In his conclusion, Prime Minister Chinh pointed out lessons learned, saying “Digital transformation is a central and important task, so we must fine-tune the institutions and set trends. We must build or finalize legal corridors, policies, and mechanisms, pilot new models in implementing the project and develop e-commerce to meet practical requirements and development trends."

"People and businesses must be put at the center so that they can enjoy the project achievements. Transparency must be ensured and there should be more participation of people and businesses."

The Prime Minister requested the Ministry of Public Security to swiftly finalize a plan to develop the Law on Personal Data Protection and the Data Law as well as soon submit to the Government to promulgate a Decree on electronic identification and authentication.

