PM urges hastening implementation of key projects

(VOVWORLD) -  Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh urged speeding up the implementation of key transport projects to create regional connectivity in service of national development, while chairing a working session of the State steering committee for such projects held in Hanoi on Thursday.
PM urges hastening implementation of key projects - ảnh 1Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh speaks at the meeting. (Photo: VNA)

The hybrid meeting was connected to provinces and centrally-run cities which the projects run through.

The Prime Minister said following the committee’s sixth meeting on July 13, ministries, agencies and localities have focused on removing roadblocks to the projects, especially in compensation, resettlement and material supply, while accelerating investment and construction.
The national network of expressways should be completed before the end of the 13th Party Central Committee in 2026 to create a new development space and boost transport to improve livelihoods for residents, he stressed.
The PM asked members of the committee and leaders of ministries, agencies and localities to look into limitations and propose tasks and solutions to accelerate the implementation of the projects, thus ensuring their progress, quality and safety

