President Putin remove special economic measures imposed on some banks anks 

(VOVWORLD) - President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree waiving special economic measures, which were imposed in March in response to the sanctions, for a number of foreign investment funds and development banks, according to the decree published on Saturday.

President Putin remove special economic measures imposed on some banks anks  - ảnh 1The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is on the list of removed special economic measures. (Photo: Devpolicy)

Among them are the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the International Bank for Economic Cooperation, the International Investment Bank, the Russian-Kyrgyz Development Fund, and BRICS’ New Development Bank (NDB).

In particular, they will not be subject to the procedure for transactions established under the March 1 presidential decree on special economic measures.

Additionally, these banks and investment funds are exempted from the ban on foreign currency transactions that involves lending by Russian residents to foreign individuals and depositing foreign currency by Russian residents to the accounts opened outside Russia.

