President receives Cambodian top legislator

(VOVworld) – President Truong Tan Sang received in Hanoi on Monday Cambodian National Assembly Chairman Samdec Heng Samri. Sang expressed his pleasure to meet with Heng Samri when the two countries are celebrating the Vietnam-Cambodia Friendship Year and the 45th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties. President Sang said following Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung's visits to Cambodia, this trip by Chairman Samdec Heng Samri marks a milestone in bilateral ties.

Earlier, President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee Huynh Dam received a Cambodian National Assembly delegation led by its Chairman Samdec Heng Samri, who is also President of the National United Front for National Salvation, during an official visit to Vietnam. Speaking at the event, Heng Samri highly praised time-honored relations of good neighborliness, traditional friendship and comprehensive cooperation of both countries over the past years.

President receives Cambodian top legislator - ảnh 1
Cambodia National Assembly Chairman Samdec Heng Samri is on an official visit to Vietnam. (Photo: internet)

He thanked the Vietnamese government for supporting Cambodia during its national liberation to escape genocide, reconstruction and defense. Huynh Dam expressed his hope that the Cambodian National United Front for National Salvation and the Vietnam Fatherland Front will further efforts to implement programs and contents signed earlier by both sides last year. Huynh Dam said: "I hope that both sides will continue cooperation to mobilize authorities of all levels and people from all social strata to successfully implement commitments approved by both governments and national assemblies. It’s necessary to encourage the people of both countries to build a border line of peace and friendship which reflects the solidarity and friendship of Vietnam and Cambodia."

