Prime Minister demands strong response to Typhoon Haiyan

(VOVworld) - Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has called on the ministries and agencies concerned to do all they can to minimize human and material losses as Haiyan, the most powerful super-typhoon of the past 10 years, is forecast to bear down on the central region in the next few days. Prime Minister Dung made the call at a teleconference in Hanoi on Friday. He said: “Preventing typhoon Haiyan is the task of the political system, party committees, governments, the army, police and the relevant agencies of all levels. We must mobilize all available resources to minimize human and property losses.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has sent task forces to inspect and protect dykes, dams and other irrigation works. Minister Cao Duc Phat, head of the National Steering Committee for Flood and Storm Prevention and Control, said: “We must inform and guide all vessels from parallel 8 to parallel 15 to move out of the danger areas. Vessels operating in areas where the typhoon’s eye may pass through must go to shore and seek safe shelter.”

The Foreign Ministry has sent a diplomatic note to the Embassies of China, the Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia in Vietnam and the Vietnamese Embassies abroad, asking for all possible support in case of emergency. 
Typhoon Haiyan is moving west and west-northwest at a speed of about 35 kilometers per hour. The typhoon will enter Vietnam’s East Sea Friday night.  

