Public Security Minister welcomes Japanese policemen

(VOVworld) - Minister of Public Security General Tran Dai Quang greeted a delegation from the Japan National Police Agency led by Deputy Commissioner General Sakaguchi Masayoshi in Hanoi on Tuesday. General Quang said he was delighted at the result-oriented cooperation between Vietnam and Japan in politics, security, national defense, economics, culture, and education.

Public Security Minister welcomes Japanese policemen - ảnh 1

At the meeting (Source: CAND)

He said the Vietnam Ministry of Public Security and the Japan National Police Agency have worked to increase collaboration in trans-national and high-tech crime fighting, firefighting, traffic safety, security, and protecting their nationals living and working in the other country. General Quang said he hopes the two agencies will press ahead with close cooperation to efficiently counter trans-national criminals. Sakaguchi Masayoshi said he believes the two sides will yield more outcomes in the prevention and fight of trans-national crimes to maintain social security and order, contributing to bringing the sound bilateral friendship to a new height and ensuring the Vietnamese and Japanese people live in peace and happiness.

