RoK, China hold 7th strategic dialogue

RoK, China hold 7th strategic dialogue - ảnh 1
Chinese Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Zhang Yesui
(VOVworld) - The foreign ministries of China and the Republic of Korea held the seventh high-level strategic dialogue on Tuesday morning in Seoul. Chinese Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Zhang Yesui and the first Vice Foreign Minister of South Korea, Lim Sung-nam, co-hosted the meeting. The two sides are expected to exchange views on bilateral relations, the current situation on the Korean Peninsula, and other issues of mutual interest. South Korea hopes China will support additional sanctions on the DPRK through the United Nations.

In the meantime, the Chinese vice foreign minister was quoted as saying that China opposed the deployment of the advanced US missile defense system THAAD in South Korea. China hopes South Korea will consider the measure carefully.

