Russia opposes UN Security Council’s draft statement against Syria

(VOVworld) – The UN Security Council on Thursday could not approve a US drafted statement, condemning President Bashar Al-Assad’s administration for its attacks targeting civilians, including children. Although the Council did not mention which member opposed the statement, a diplomat source revealed that Russia, together with China, requested to remove all critics against the government of President Al Assad in this draft statement. 
Russia opposes UN Security Council’s draft statement against Syria - ảnh 1
The US drafted statement requires approval from all 15 member states. Photo: Reuters
Earlier, the statement, drafted by the US, was submitted to the UN Security Council, expressing great concerns about violent activities, especially the government’s air-strikes that killed and injured hundreds of people. The draft statement praised the idea of convening a peace conference for Syria in Geneva, Switzerland next month with the expected participation of representatives from both the Syrian government and the opposition.   

