Russia to spend 1,000 billion ruble on defense industry development

(VOVworld) – Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said on Monday he approved "a new version of the country’s defense industry complex development program for 2016-2020."

Russia to spend 1,000 billion ruble on defense industry development - ảnh 1
Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev
The Prime Minister said at a meeting with the deputy prime ministers that Russia will allocate 1,000 billion ruble on this program as it is currently engaged in reequipping the whole army with new samples of weapons.
There are certain targets to meet and certainly, it is necessary to ensure competitiveness of Russian products worldwide, Medvedev said.
The program envisages the development of the defense industry enterprises’ innovative potential, improving the competitiveness of their products, further industrial production growth, promotion of Russian military products on the world markets, as well as issues related to the salary of employees of the defense industry complex.
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