Scaling down national target programs

(VOVworld)- At their 10th session on Wednesday, National Assembly deputies discussed the results of national target programs over the past five years and worked out directions towards 2020. They highlighted the national target programs’ contributions to national socio-economic development and agreed on the need to scale down national target programs. Do Manh Hung is a deputy from Thai Nguyen province: “It’s important to scale-down the number of the current 16 national target programs. The government proposed to downsize them into 2 national target programs on new rural development and sustainable poverty reduction. But some suggest that there should also be a program on health care. I think we should take these suggestions into consideration”.
Scaling down national target programs - ảnh 1
Hoang Viet Phuong is a deputy from Tuyen Quang province

The deputies proposed to re-arrange priority components in national target programs to avoid overlaps. Hoang Viet Phuong is a deputy from Tuyen Quang province:We need to re-evaluate the current criteria with priorities to be given to the most urgent issues for the 2016-2020 period which concern essential infrastructure and production development such as power, roads, schools, clinics and irrigation. We also need to delegate power to local authorities in funding allocations”.

Also that same day, the deputies heard from the Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Bac Son, authorized by the Prime Minister, who presented a report on draft revisions to the Press Law.

