Semiconductor industry needs 50,000 high-quality workforce in next 10 years

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam's workforce demand in the semiconductor–microchip field is forecast to be around 20,000 engineers for the next five years, and 50,000 engineers in the next 10 years, according to economists from the Fullbright University.
Semiconductor industry needs 50,000 high-quality workforce in next 10 years - ảnh 1Illustrative image. (Photo:

Regarding Vietnam’s preparations for training high-quality human resources serving the semiconductor industry, Nguyen Thu Thuy, Director of the Higher Education Department under the Ministry of Education and Training, said the number of microchip designing engineers in the country is approximately 5,000.

According to experts from technology universities, the demand for training human resources in this area in the coming years is expected to be around 3,000 engineers per year, with at least 30% of them being postgraduate graduates.

Vietnam is home to over 50 foreign-invested businesses that have invested in the microelectronics and semiconductor industry, with significant demand for high-quality human resources, especially in the field of microchip design. 

It is expected that more corporations will invest in Vietnam in designing and producing microchips in the coming time.

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