Seminar discusses Uncle Ho and Hai Phong

(VOVWORLD) - The Hai Phong Union of Science and Technology Associations and Hai Phong Study Club held a seminar titled "Uncle Ho and Hai Phong" on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh's return to Vietnam from France, passing through Ngu Wharf (now Hoang Dieu Port, Hai Phong) and his first visit to Hai Phong on October 20, 1946-October 20, 2021.
Seminar discusses Uncle Ho and Hai Phong - ảnh 1The seminar Uncle Ho and Hai Phong (photo:

Hai Phong had the honor to welcome President Ho Chi Minh 9 times. President Ho Chi Minh’s special attention and kindness for the Party Committee and people of Hai Phong city are valuable spiritual heritages, a light to illuminate the way for the liberation, construction, and development of the city, and a great source of encouragement for the city to continue to develop.

The seminar has contributed to scientific studies to further promote President Ho Chi Minh’s Thought in the current construction and development and an opportunity for young people to understand more about Uncle Ho and his affection for the port city.

