Sense of normalcy returns as COVID-19 restrictions are eased in Ho Chi Minh City

(VOVWORLD) - Today, October 1, is the first day Ho Chi Minh City has eased strict social distancing measures and people are returning to some sense of normalcy. 
Sense of normalcy returns as COVID-19 restrictions are eased in Ho Chi Minh City - ảnh 1Vehicles on Truong Chinh Street near Tan Binh Industrial Park. (Photo: Xuan Tinh/VNA)

Travel permits and pandemic checkpoints were removed. Barricades set up by self-governing groups in alleys, wards and communes have been dismantled, and the streets are free from checkpoints. Local people have been actively preparing resources to be able to work again. The vibrant life of Vietnam’s biggest city is coming back.

Mr. Tran Duc Thuong, a resident living near Gia Dinh Park, said, “Now the rhythm of people's life is back to normal. Everyone feels comfortable. But of course everyone tries to keep themselves safe.”

After four months of social distancing at various levels due to a surge of COVID-19 cases, Ho Chi Minh City on Friday began cautious reopening to restore production and business, while fighting the pandemic.

The city on Friday recorded 3,670 new COVID-19 cases, 700 cases less than Thursday, and 96 deaths. 
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