Seoul to suspend inter-Korean military pact with Pyongyang over balloons

(VOVWORLD) -The RoK Presidential National Security Council decided Monday to fully suspend the 2018 inter-Korean reduction pact, formally known as the Comprehensive Military Agreement (CMA), until mutual trust is restored.

Seoul to suspend inter-Korean military pact with Pyongyang over balloons - ảnh 1South Korean soldiers guard at the Joint Security Area (JSA) of the Inter-Korean Demilitarized Zone, near Kaesong (File photo: AFP/VNA)

The CMA was signed by the two Koreas on September 19, 2018, calling for a halt to all hostile military activities between the two sides and establishing maritime buffer zones and turning the demilitarized zone (DMZ) ) into a land of peace. In fact, the agreement has been already partially canceled since late last year.

The two Koreas have been divided since the Korean War ended in 1953. They did not sign a peace treaty and have remained technically still at war ever since.

For its part, Pyongyang has repeatedly criticized Seoul for not stopping activists from flying anti-Pyongyang propaganda leaflets via their own balloons.


